I would love some spec info on your Infrared saunas. What is max temperature they get to? What are the emf readings from it when in use? And do you ship to Norhtern Ireland?
Kind regards,
Hello Stephanie,
Sorry about the delay in getting back with you.
The Relax sauna reaches 130-145 degrees in about 5 minutes. It feels great. The semi-conductor chips that filter out the near infrared , mid infrared, and the far infrared energies that do NOT RESONATE with the water molecules in your body took the Relax Sauna company 10 years to develop so that we give you 95-98% :loving light” which is between 4-14 microns wave lengths, and all resonate with the water molecules in your body significantly increasing body temperature more than any other sauna.
This is what distinguishes the Relax Sauna from all other infrared saunas and makes it the best value for your money. The Relax Sauna is a $2000 sauna selling for $1500 online. Use the code Phil2 to get $200 off. Shipping to Northern Ireland is $400, and that is why I am giving you $200 off with this discount code. We will ship you the Relax Sauna with the 220 voltage used in your country, and with the right plug, directly from Taiwan. Go to order at: relaxsaunas.com, Thanks
The relax sauna , being temperature controlled , can get up to 169 degrees in 20-22 minutes. If that is too hot for you, just unzip the middle zipper until you are comfortably warm. You will continue to sweat profusely without being too hot. Usually one starts sweating in about 8 minutes, and is dripping in 15, and drenched in 20. No sauna can give you a profuse sweat because of our amount and exactness of the Far Infrared Energy that we emit from our radiators.
As for EMF, we have 4 people in the southwestern USA who go into houses to make their client’s houses safe EMF wise. They all own use and love their Relax Saunas.
Here is a video of one of these ladies: EMF Specialist owns a Relax Sauna
Here is another video from someone whose partner is one of the most informed doctors about the dangers of microwave emf:
relaxsaunas.com/emf has additional information on EMF and the Relax Sauna.
Here is what Ryan just said about the Relax Sauna, who recently purchased a relax sauna from us and who had snubbed his nose at portable saunas for 8 years.
After talking to me, he discovered that the Relax sauna was Different!
After my signature is his quote.
Phillip Wilson
USA 626 200 8454
for more information: relaxsaunas.com/superior
“The GOOD news however, is REALLY exciting!”
I’ve always turned my nose up and laughed at portable saunas, for the following reasons:
They don’t give you a really good, detoxifying ‘river’ of sweat. They don’t raise your core body temperature enough to get you into hyperthermia where all the good immune and other benefits come into play, and of course, you might as well be cooking yourself in a microwave with all the EMF they put out. BUT, I’m man enough to admit when I’m wrong!
While I’ve either heard those things from enough trusted sources to know they’re true or tested them myself regarding ALMOST all the major portable saunas out there (and the non-major ones you find on Amazon are even worse). Apparently, I’d overlooked Relax Sauna!
Wild timing how this all came about. I was at Dr. Paul Anderson’s conference where he trains doctors (I just go to pretend I’m a doctor 😉 and Relax had a booth there. I was walking by the booth with my nose in the air, I happened to notice that Dr. Anderson was actually quoted in the company’s literature. Dr. Anderson was my son’s naturopathic oncologist and is right under God in the ND world by the way, saying that he’s tested the sauna on numerous patients and found it to raise core body temperature to just shy of 102 degrees, which really is around what you’d hope for with ANY sauna!
Then I got excited, because we always have people asking us if there’s a more affordable alternative to the wood saunas, and I’ve never had a good answer for them besides save up and make it happen so we got a Relax for ourselves to test it.
Sure enough, not only did we get a rise in core body temp, but also the river of sweat I didn’t think was possible with a portable sauna and the kicker, the thing was putting out little to no reading on my EMF meter!
If you’ve been hearing about all the benefits of infrared sauna…
- Detoxification
- Cardiovascular improvement
- Immune enhancement
- Weight loss
- Anti-inflammatory
- Healthier, tighter skin
- Stress relief
- Sleep quality